1997年,11月当時、私は自分の作品を書くのに行き詰まっており、アメリカ・カンザスシティーで2週間程観光していた。その帰路に着く途中、 (アメリカ・ミネアポリス→日本)私はチェーンスモーカーなので睡眠薬を飲み飛行機の中で寝ていた。すると、一緒に居た友人が私を起こして、飛行機のエンジントラブルが起きている事を告げた。 窓の外を見ると飛行機はかなりの低空飛行をしており山の山頂すれすれの所を飛行している事に気付いた。更に下を見ると川は凍てつき其の上をトナカイが走っているではないか!そして機内放送が流れた「当機はエンジントラブルによりアラスカ(アンカレッジ空港)を目指し飛行中、空港にはレスキュー及び消防車が止まって居りますが、係員の支持に従って行動して下さい」其の言葉を聴いて今、自分が置かれてる現状に気付いたが、その飛行中の景色が余りにも美しく、私の心を捉えた為ずっと窓に釘付けになった。しばらくしてアラスカ(アンカレッジ空港)に不時着,他の乗客は混乱していたが、私は命の無事に安心し、空港の外へ煙草を吸いに行った。ドアを開けて煙草に火を点けた瞬間、ジーパンが凍りつき近くに有ったビルの温度計を見た瞬間-42℃と出ており驚きを隠せなかった。そして周りを見渡した瞬間そこにはとても美しい山々がそびええ立っていた。その時観たアラスカの印象に感動,其の日私は航空会社持ちで1泊だけアラスカに泊まる事が解ったのでカメラも何も持っていなかったが周りの景色を出来るだけ心に焼き付けた。たった一日だけの経験だったが、私はこの経験を生かしアラスカを題材に心に残った部分だけを絵に描き出す事に決めた。その後「アラスカの思い出」シリーズを中心に心象風景を中心に制作活動に取り組んでいる。


I would like to explain how, I came about paint the photos of Alaska.

In November of 1997, I was at a standstill on painting, and took a 2-week trip to theUnited States.

I went to Florida, Kansas and other cities, and boarded the flight from Minneapolis to Japan.

I had a cigarette and was taking a comfortable nap.
My friend who was sitting next to me woke me up and said that the aircraft is having engine trouble. I looked out the window and noticed that the airplane was flying very low, and could see the tip of the mountain just below the mountains.

Looking further below, I noticed a river that was frozen, and deer that was running on the frozen ice. Then there was an announcement that said the  aircraft was having, engine trouble and will land at Anchorege, in Alaska. there will be
a rescue crew at the airport but to please act according to instructions of the people in charge.
I was, but I could not take my eyes off the window - the scenery was so breath-taking! Upon arriving at Anchorege airport, the other passengers were raising commotion, but I went outside the sirplane and had a cigarette, at ease, since I knew we were now safe.

When I opened the door and walked off the aircraft, my G-pants got frozen as I was lighting a cigarette.
I checked the thermometer at a nearby building and it read -42℃ at which I was surprised.
And when I looked at the scenery around, it was the most beautiful view I have ever seen! I heard that one can stay overnight without extra cost, so I declded to stay until tomorrow.

I had no camera with me so I took mental photos and printed them in my mind, firmly. This was only a one-day exprence, although a very valuable one, and I decided to paint a series of the scenes that I imprinted in my heart.

After this, I plan to paint more "Memories of Alaska" which are deeply imprinted in my heart.